Our Values

  • The central theme of the firm is to respect and enhance human potential and strive to create a better future – for individuals, small groups and large communities
  • Our primary value is to play and build strengths. We will however ring fence fatal flaws to enable potential
  • We would like to highlight the subjective elements of a situation. Intuition, emotional intelligence and associative thought blends with rational thought. The organic social architecture of organisations is critical for positive change.
  • Partnership is a crucial engagement value with clients. We do not wish to be a “pair of hands” to undertake outsourced projects. Nor do we wish to be only experts who provide prescriptions to the client. Partnership values include a deep respect for the client and mutual learning. The client places before us understanding of their business and we bring to him our specialization and insights gained from many other situations. We have a tradition of clients staying with us for many years – ranging from 5 to 15 years and perhaps beyond and we often consult with multiple generations of leadership!
  • In keeping with the spirit of partnership, we are keen to choose the clients we work with. Their readiness and commitment are crucial elements in the engagement and in the success of the association
  • Independence of thought is crucial to the integrity of our consulting practice. We will not structure any engagement that compromises this value. Our best value to the client is our candor combined with strong empathy. We will bring in our point of view, however dissonant it may be with the client’s current thinking. We will not accept a point of view merely to please the client
  • Building internal capability within the client system is paramount and we will do it unflinchingly